Friday, May 24, 2013

The first time in 5 years.....

"Bags are packed and the 2012 Regional CrossFit Games weekend is upon us. This is where all of the training and prep comes centers age and pays off.

As I sit in the car on the way to SA, there are plenty of emotions going through my head and it's all I can do to stay calm. I could sit and over strategize my plan for each wod and how I will attack them but for me what I am focusing on is having fun. That's why I got into CrossFit. Actually, that's why I got into personal training after college. I wanted something fun to do all day and I've found it. Why let that go now? After all, fun is what defines me and that's what I'm going to do this weekend.....go out there and have fun, give it my all and let the placings take care of itself. I love this sport."

This was about 13 months ago that I was prepping for what would be my most disappointing regionals of the 4 I have competed in. After this, I was laser focused on one of two things: hopefully our team making regionals in 2013 or going back as an individual to redeem what I had self labeled a "pathetic" 2012 showing.

Training was going good until December and boom!!!! Dead stop. We all know the bicep story.

Now, as I sit in the dr's office 5 months after the two surgeries to repair the bicep tendons in both arms a few thoughts come to mind.....

1) I am so sad that I am not competing this weekend with all of the guys I've come to know over the last 4 years. Those friendships can't be replaced and it's hard to not be competing alongside the best of the best. Shake it off and see you guys next year!

2) I realized that I am not invincible and that being injured isn't the end of the world. My back squat is the highest it's ever been by a lot.

3) I have a chance to pretty much start over and regain the love I had for crossfit when I first began. Getting first time PR's all over again. The first muscle up all over again. Learning how to do butterfly pull-ups and hand stand push-ups. Starting over with cleans and snatches. And getting into strongman all over again.

In the waiting room at the docs office the movie Rudy is playing and it definitely hits deep. He's not supposed to even be on the practice field with all of the other athletes, much less make the team.....but he does.

Nobody probably expects or thinks I can make it back to where I was......but I do. I will. Watch me.

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