Monday, August 29, 2011

The Power of the Brisket

Let me tell you a little story about how powerful brisket can be to a carnivore such as myself. Before reading on, please know that sometimes things happen that are way beyond my control. Let's begin with a photo of what we are talking about to paint the picture of how extreme this situation is. Below is my breakfast this morning, 5 whole eggs mixed with 6oz of brisket and a serving of spark.

In the beginning, this was not my brisket at all. It came in a bag and the bag had a name labeled on it. The name was not Landon. The name was Mark. When I left work on Friday, Mark had already left. As I went to gather my things and got ready to leave, I opened the fridge and there it was. The brisket. I took it out and noticed Mark's name on the front. I was devastated. From this point, I took the brisket to put in my fridge at home, hoping to preserve it a little longer than the smaller fridge at work. What a terrible mistake this was. Throughout, the rest of the evening Mark and I had exchanged in several texts and one of the last texts was something to the effect of...

"Stay away from that brisket son!"

My response was, "you know you can't leave something like that lying around, especially around me!"

He said, "true, but friendship?"

There it was. He threw out the friendship card. How could I eat it now? I was defeated. Thoroughly defeated. So there it stayed in my fridge. Over the weekend the brisket stayed there, but It was anything but silent. It kept calling to me and calling to me. I knew how delicious it was. I wanted it bad. But Mark was my friend and I knew he loved it as much as I did. What was I to do?

I couldn't help it. Something this powerful was out of my control. I finished it off before I know what happened, but the damage was done. I had eaten Mark's brisket. My sincerest apologies go out to my friend Mark. I will now have to replace the brisket and who knows maybe a cup o' ribs to go with it. The moral of the story is 2-fold:

1) Don't eat your friends food or you will feel bad about it.

2) Don't leave delicious food around a friend who has no control over his carnivorous habits or bad things will happen.

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