Friday, October 12, 2012

Monster Mash Up and Squat every F-ing day!

CFRR will be holding its very first CrossFit competition on Saturday, October 27th and we couldn't be more excited! So far there have been a few standards, teaser, and wod videos and there are more to come. This competition will be a bit different than any other that I have competed in in the fact that it will be held at night. Over the last 3 years I have been involved in about 50 competitions and they have all been during the day. The night idea came to be a few months back and we all thought it would be cool to compete out under the lights and because it's lose to Halloween, it will add the extra spook factor!
The event will be for the entire family including the kids so bring everyone out to compete or enjoy the competition between all the competitors. It's sure to be a blast and we hope to make it a yearly event.

Two days ago I PR'd my back squat by 18lbs. My previous personal record was 385 and that was back in December of 2010. About a month ago at the CFRR Man Date, I could only muster up 365.
Wednesday, I was finishing up the OlyStrong class and Coach Ursula Garza had put up back squats with the rep scheme going heavy and low rep. I felt good and asked her if I should go for a PR and she said go for it. I put on 403 and got it up. I was stoked.
I've never been known for big legs by any means and I have probably heard every leg joke in the book. I used to laugh them off and continue to work upper body because I figured there was nothing I could do. Then I began CrossFit and my les started to get stronger. It was awesome and I decided that I wanted to get them as strong as possible. Boom!

Beginning on Monday, I will do some form of squat every day for the next month. Why? I want to get better. Some may think its overtraining but not every day will be the same. Heavy days when I'm feeling good. Light days if I'm feeling tight and sore. Bodyweight days to focus on good technique and form. All because I want to be a better.

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