Friday, April 5, 2013

Open Assessment 2013

How I view goals-

What you can do is not determined by your "goals". It's determined by what you actually think you're capable of in your heart. The other side is to not let your goals limit you. Don't stop when you get there, if you have something left, keep going! It's not worth stopping.

Goals are just words. You have to believe it in your heart to achieve it.

Open 2013 assessment:

I don't give a shit about what the wods are. If you score the exact same or worse than last year, it doesn't mean you've regressed as an athlete. It just means you did worse this time around.

Look at Lebron James...does he score more points in every game than he did the previous? No way. Do you think he thinks he's regressed when this happens? Nope.

My goal during a wod is to have 1 piece of the wod that I can take away and say, I got better. Even if its only 1 lift or 1 rep or whatever. I don't judge wods by the time or reps. That's not how you progress.

I recently read an article about performing the open wods multiple times. The quoted athlete said his views were that redoing wods was a complete copout and that it goes against CrossFits entire methodology about being unknown and unknowable. There are no second chances at regionals or the games so why train with second chances.

I completely agree with him.

Having said that, during the first year of the open, I did the 1st wod 4-5 times. For what? To get 1 or 2 more reps? No. I was caught up in the competition and only had time for that workout. 2 weeks and all I did was the same wod? Not at all constantly varied or unknown.

I do agree with retesting wods to show progression but no sooner than 4 weeks between tests.

Sometimes there are personal accomplishments that need to be met and redoing these workouts can satisfy this need but not one time in 3 years has an athlete come into CFRR and asked to redo a regular class wod the very next day. But during the open, it happens with every wod. Why do you think this is?

I personally think that because its labeled a "competition" we feel scared to be accepted for the effort we put out the first time. But again, this is what we do every other day of the year. So during the open its ok to abandon the philosophy we use all year? Again, I'm not pointing fingers here, as I said above, I've been at fault for this before myself.

Workouts do not define you or dictate your self worth.

Just my opinion. There's no right or wrong here. Think what you wish.....

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