Define CrossFit?
Impossible. Let me rephrase that, endless. Sure, it's everything from deadlifts to burpees, to running, rowing, jumping, tires, etc., but to sum it up, its so much more than exercising and competition. It's truly a life altering idea. In order to gain the most out of it, it will force you to change the way you eat, sleep, dress, talk, and act but in such a way that is not forceful. In other words, it will cause a change that is decided by only you.
CrossFit wods are intense and brutal. Or at least as brutal as you make them. But that's the awesome thing about it, you already know that going in. The only surprise is what the movements are. Show up, get your ass handed to you, leave and have such a feeling of accomplishment that you can do anything. It's like, " What next world? Bring it!"
The lifestyle is just as addicting as the wods are. Yes, the wods are part of the overall lifestyle, but I am referring to the outside of the xfit box. The foods you eat, close you wear, manner at which you attack your day. It's just as addicting as any drug or hobby.
So again, how do you define this? My best answer is that it means something different to everyone. Build your own meaning of the word. Dive in head first and you will soon realize that it will change your life. Dig deep. Find yourself from the inside out. Rebuild yourself mentally and physically. Become reborn.
Random thoughts and info
Pulling for the mavs to make it out of the first round of the NBA playoffs this year.
Adriens birthday party is coming up on May 6th so mark your calendars. The dinner is at Parkside downtown. If you can make it, then we would love you have you there.
I am currently in 14th place in the 2011 CrossFit Games Open Sectionals after week 4/6. The top 60 make the regional qualifiers. The last 2 Wods are out and they are sure to be rough! The 5th is a 20 min AMRAP and the 6th is a 7 min AMRAP. Nothing but a beefed up Fran.
CFRR will be taking 7 competitors to the Spartan challenge on May 7th at CrossFit Central. Come out and support them.
CFRR long time client, Michelle Reed ran in the Boston marathon and finished in 3:58. This is a marathon runners dream and a huge accomplishment. We are super stoked for you Michelle!
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