Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Engine that Fuels CFRR

For those of you who have yet to meet all of the coaches, we are Coach Dawn, Coach Aggie, Coach Adrien, Coach Auvie, Coach Mark, and Coach Landon.

The main duties of the coaches outside general housekeeping of the gym are the customer service and personal coaching of all the classes. Programming wods, teaching form, motivating athletes, and performance enhancement is what coaching is all about. However, running a business is ultimately so much more than this. This is where Adrien comes in......

Adrien still trains clients during the day, but outside of these hours is when she is fueling the engine that makes CFRR happen on a daily basis. You name it and she does it. Seriously. There is no gym duty that she has not or does not do. We all do things she asks of us when she asks but she is the initiator and facilitator. Website design, t shirt design, online sign up and pay, marketing, stickers, equipment, bootcamps, coaching staff, online nutrition training, challenges, etc. The list goes on and on. We are extremely blessed to have someone who takes on so much and delivers with an A+++ effort each and every time! Let's all take time to thank Adrien for everything she does to make CFRR possible. She is truly amazing.

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