Sunday, October 23, 2011

The inner fight has begun.....

It has been a rare occurrence in my life to where I have felt anything but invincible. My body has always responded well and the aches and pains have come and gone. I've had countless wods that I've been miserable after but, like I said, my body has recovered and been sore but has bounced back.

The knee issue is still lingering around. It's been 5 weeks since my last squat of any kind. Not a single box jump, lunge or wall ball. Only one 400m run and a handful of double unders. It's been the toughest 5 weeks of my life. I never thought I'd say this but I'm tired of doing upper body wods but what else do I have?

Let me give you the answer.....Rest and recover.

Today will be my last workout for 7 days. Beginning tomorrow, not only will I be resting and recovering for a full week but I will be doing a full body cleanse. I have a few ART appointments for my knee so this is. Good week to do this.

That all being said, my knee is feeling better but not 100% yet. Not to the point of giving lower body wods a shot yet.

2012 sectionals are knocking at my doorstep and I will be ready. I'm committed to being ready. I will be there for you guys and I will make you proud.

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There is no such thing as in-between."
Pat Riley

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